Sponsor GPTBoss

GPTBoss is accepting sponsorships to help fund development and growth! As you may have learned, GPTBoss is a self-funded company being run by a single person. This means that all of the money that comes in goes right back into the business. If you would like to help support GPTBoss, please consider sponsoring us!

Silver Sponsor

Silver Sponsor

Silver Sponsors include the following benefits:

  • Backlink and Logo on the sponsors page
  • Elevated priority support in Discord Tickets


Gold Sponsor

Gold Sponsor

Gold Sponsors will receive a 10% discount on all GPTBoss services, including consultation time. It also includes the following benefits:

  • Backlink and logo on the sponsors page
  • Backlink and logo on the home page
  • Extra Elevated priority support in Discord Tickets


Platinum Sponsor

Platinum Sponsor

Platinum Sponsorship is the highest level. Platinum Sponsors will receive a 20% discount on all GPTBoss services, including consultation time. It also includes the following benefits:

  • Backlink and logo on the sponsors page at the top
  • Backlink and logo on home page
  • Backlink and Logo featured on every page of the app
  • Mention in all press releases
  • Logo featured in all email newsletters
  • Priority access to new products and services
  • Top priority support in Discord Tickets


  • mackenzie@gptboss.com
  • Our Sponsors
  • Hire Us as Developers

GPTBoss 2.0 Beta
